Home > Fractal Art, Inspiration, Magic, Stories > And then the Moon Turned Red

And then the Moon Turned Red


I missed writing about this yesterday, but it’s still worth saying even if it isn’t news anymore. The eclipse was beautiful, and I was lucky enough to watch it from the roof of my building sometime after wednesday midnight. I tried capturing the moment, but ultimately settled for this abstract depiction (which hardly does the experience justice).

Intuition has always been very hard to describe for me. Generally it’s nothing more than a whisper, easily mistaken for the senseless chatter of the unconscious; it’s only the worldview I choose that gives the word its significance. Other times, such as this one, it’s a feeling so strong that it just forces me to drop everything and follow my gut. As usual, I found out about it the same day it was going to happen. As usual, the lazy part of me tried to convince me that it wasn’t going to be anything special; but as usual, the overwhelmingly strong urge to be there got the best of me.

It was definitely not the kind of thing I’d want to miss. The full moon was shining golden, red and orange, with such a force that it permeated me. It seemed like it was pulsating life, energy, pure fire. It certainly struck a chord inside, and the next day I just happened to stumble upon a story fit for the occasion, which spookily reflected my own inner struggles.

I wonder what opportunities I have been missing that could have made my day even a little bit more magical. Every night could be like this if I just chose to make it so. And what about you? Feel free to share your magical stories, ecplise-related or not, in the comments.

  1. February 23, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Here is the state of Ohio in the land of USA, I was thankful to have
    a nearly cloudless sky to observe the eclipse. Because it was a week night, I did not stay awake to see it to totality, but the part that I did see was spectacular.

    The next morning I heard a neat story on the radio how the explorer
    Christopher Columbus used an eclipse to sway some native indians.
    You can read that story here.

    Vitor, I believe it is ~mindfulness~ that allows me to hold my minds own
    chatter to a minimum. It is with a mind centered on just the moment, that I don’t
    miss the magic. WELL…… not all the time is my mind THAT centered, because
    one would be near like a zombie. LOL You need a balance.

    My all time favorite celestial event happened in the summer of 1993.
    We took a vacation to a cousins beach house on the shores of the
    Atlantic Ocean. The house’s backyard and deck faced the Atlantic Ocean.
    We were able to witness the Persied Meteor Shower.


    I just read from this link below that they are most visible in the Northern Hemispheres.

    The meteors appear at a rate of about 60 per hour. Shooting stars.

    That night in August, as we sat on the deck you could hear folks up and down
    the dark beach as they reacted. It was like being at a fireworks display. People were even clapping. Our view was the direction of due East. The meteors would appear midway above the horizon and high in the sky, as they shot a path from North to South. The gentle sounds of the ocean waves, the sky sparkling heavenly show ~ truly one magic moment that I will never forget.

    xo xo

  2. February 23, 2008 at 11:07 am


    What a beautiful experience that must have been. I totally agree with you that it’s mindfulness that causes us sit up and notice the magic all around.

  3. February 23, 2008 at 12:26 pm

    A really beautiful abstraction, Vitor!

  4. February 23, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    Echoing Slade. You got the colors just right.

    I’m glad “my” story struck a chord with you.

  5. February 24, 2008 at 8:53 am

    Thanks to both of you!

    Thalia, your stories are always beautiful, somehow mystical. More than the content, it’s the way they’re told that fascinates me.

  6. February 24, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    Vitor, do you mean the style of telling them or the dictated-by-a-spirit-guide way they’re told?

    I’m not sure I could do the magical feeling thing every night, though. I know from doing ritual that for me, anyway, it takes quite a lot of energy, and that the mundanity of the world is a form of balance against that. Though I understand about wanting more magic in one’s life, and wanting to be able to see it and changing our perceptions. But sometimes it just has to hit you right, and sometimes, the long slog through the ordinary is what prepares you to be able to see it. For me, anyway. But this long winter has been wearing me out, so that might just be the voice of exhaustion! 😦

  7. February 28, 2008 at 12:45 am

    Vitor – (sorry I’m getting in on reading this late) I loved the stories and your experience with the lunar eclipse. Here in Colorado we weren’t able to see it. It was cloudy. We just got a glimpse of it starting before the clouds settled in. I’m sorry I missed it. You’re description of it sounded beautiful and mystical at the same time.

  8. February 29, 2008 at 7:32 pm


    Don’t apologize, I’m quite late answering here too ;). The eclipse was something special for me, but perhaps it wouldn’t have been for you. These kind of things are deeply personal, I think we just have to be willing to allow the magic, no matter what shape, mystical or ordinary, it takes.

  9. February 29, 2008 at 7:33 pm


    I mean the style of telling… it makes these stories stand out from everything else I read. Mundanity is all relative: for me, it’s just a different kind of magic that balances out the more intentional, ritual kind.

  10. March 1, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Thanks for the compliments on the story-telling; I’ll pass it on. 🙂

    And you’re right, magic cannot be separated out from life, which includes the mundane and ordinary.

  1. June 16, 2008 at 9:17 am

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