
Archive for December, 2009


December 12, 2009 4 comments

A gaze that shifts into deep focus, looking beyond the imaginable. What does it see, I wonder?

Categories: Fractal Art


December 5, 2009 3 comments

In the center of two opposing forces, a strange equilibrium is formed…

Categories: Fractal Art

If what you envision doesn’t exist, build it

December 1, 2009 2 comments

Over most of this year, I’ve been buried in a cave creatively speaking, only coming out occasionally to let everyone know I’m still here. So what have I been doing all this time? I just finished building my very own fractal editor, which turned out to be a much bigger undertaking than I expected. But we’ve finally arrived at our 1.0 beta version. Looking back, all the effort put in has been worth it.

I wanted to have a tool for creating fractals that would be helpful rather than hindering, where the countless little details that go into design were done right. That tool didn’t exist, so I set out to build it. While the result is far from perfect, I dare say that it’s a good chunk closer than what I previously had to work with. I fully support the philosophy behind the open source movement, and contributing my own little drop into that ocean has been an immensely satisfying experience.


Categories: Fractal Art